"Totul este guvernat de catre o singura lege. O fiinta umana este un microcosmos, cu alte cuvinte legile care predomina in cosmos de asemeni functioneaza si in spatiul minuscul al fiintei umane." Viktor Schauberger, Revista Implosion, Nr. 8, p.6.

Viktor Schauberger - scurtă biografie
Viktor Schauberger s-a născut pe 30 iunie 1885 în Holzschlag, Muehlviertel, landul Oberösterreich, unul din cele 9 state federale ale Austriei, într-o familie de pădurari (paznici forestieri) din tată în fiu, de numeroase generaţii. "Fidus in silvis silentibus" (încredere în pădurile tăcute, liniştite) este deviza familiei.

Creşte într-un mediu natural şi, refuzând să se lanseze într-o formare universitară pe care o considera ca distrugătoare a capacităţilor creatoare, urmează simple studii silvice într-o şcoală de stat. Exercită apoi funcţiile de pădurar şi de paznic de vânătoare până la mobilizarea ce avea să-l antreneze în luptele primului război mondial (1914 – 1918) şi din care avea să se întoarcă rănit.

Primele realizări ale unui om de geniu
Îşi reia meseria de pădurar lângă Linz (capitala landului Oberösterreich); urmarea lipsei de cai de tracţiune decimaţi de război, el asigură transportul lemnului pe firul unui torent prin metode aparte, punând în practică unele cunoştinţe din tradiţia familiei (este vorba de flotaj, de plutărit), dar atrăgând animozitatea „experţilor” ce considerau această acţiune ca fiind imposibilă.

În 1920 intră în serviciul prinţului Adolf Schaumburg-Lippe şi administrează un district forestier, la Bernerau, de 21.000 ha sălbatic, practic necălcat de om. Presat de nevoi pecuniare, prinţul doreşte să valorifice lemnul acestui ţinut inaccesibil. Viktor Schauberger îi propune construirea unui canal de flotaj (pentru plutărit) ce trebuia să coboare de 12 ori preţul obişnuit de transport până la joagăr. Aici s-a izbit din nou de ostilitatea „experţilor” dezorientaţi de caracterul novator al tehnicilor utilizate.
Viktor Schauberger - scurtă biografie
Acest prim canal era de fapt un tobogan lung de 50 km, din lemn, pe piloni, cu secţiunea de jumătate de ou, cu deflectoare ce dădeau apei o mişcare elicoidală alternativă, dar şi o răcire a acesteia, pe un traseu adaptat la meandrele văii, şi nu doar un segment drept pe drumul cel mai scurt.

Instalaţia a avut un real succes, Schauberger a construit şi altele asemănătoare şi specialişti din toată Europa au venit să le studieze. Schauberger şi-a câştigat numele de „magician al apei”.

Devine consultant de stat pentru flotajul lemnului şi supervizează construcţia canalelor de plutărit timp de mai mulţi ani. Dar este obligat să demisioneze din cauza ostilităţii şefilor, plini de diplome inutile şi invidioşi pe rezultate, dar şi pe remuneraţia pe deplin meritată a lui Schauberger.

În 1928 lucrează pentru un antreprenor de lucrări publice şi construieşte canale de flotaj şi baraje în diverse ţări europene (Iugoslavia, Turcia, Bulgaria ş.a.). Barajele sunt echipate cu dispozitive noi, revoluţionare, unele ce ranforsează structura, altele care regularizează temperatura apei deversate în aval. Urmare a unei malversaţiuni (deturnări de fonduri) a angajatorului, îl părăseşte pe acesta în 1934.

În acelaşi an este convocat pentru o conversaţie, un „entretien”, de către Hitler, interesat de reputaţia şi cunoştinţele lui. Nu ezită să-l critice pe Goering şi planul lui de dezvoltare. În 1938 Austria este anexată Germaniei, iar el, printr-un miracol scapă de tentativa de a fi declarat nebun cu scopul de a fi eliminat şi eutanasiat prin injecţie letală.

Ani de cooperare constrânsă
Viktor Schauberger - scurtă biografie
În 1941, ştiind că întreprindea cercetări personale având ca obiect punerea la punct a unui motor cu apă, Luftwaffe („Arma Aerului”) îl convoacă pentru a găsi soluţii la criza producţiei de energie. În 1942 clădirile destinate participării sale la cercetare şi dezvoltare sunt bombardate. Este mobilizat în 1943, în ciuda vârstei şi a incapacităţii datorate rănii din primul război. Este obligat sub ameninţarea cu moartea de a lucra în atelierele lui Himmler de pe câmpul de la Mauthausen, şi de a pune la punct maşini de război discoidale, de tipul farfuriilor zburătoare.

Concepe două maşini, Repulsator (Repulsine) şi Propulsine, bazate pe principiul şi forţa imploziei, de 127 de ori mai mare decât cea a exploziei. La sfârşitul războiului, în 1945, toată informaţia, toată documentaţia este însuşită de aliaţi (de fapt de cel mai aliat dintre aliaţi) şi toate urmele şterse. Numeroasele brevete depuse de Schauberger dispar, iar el stă în detenţie timp de 9 luni, este interogat şi se folosesc mijloace şi metode nu tocmai ortodoxe pentru a fi stors de informaţie, pentru a i se sustrage cunoştinţele.

Americanii erau interesaţi de munca lui pentru că au sesizat şi urmărit un zbor de încercare al unuia din aparatele la care lucra. Dar şi ruşii, la rândul lor, pun mâna pe componente de documentaţie în apartamentul său din Viena, apartament pe care apoi îl aruncă în aer. Este evident că şi de o parte şi de cealaltă, învingătorii aveau obiective precise.
În anul 1946 este eliberat, dar o ameninţare interioară îl apăsa întotdeauna când încerca a-şi continua ideile şi munca în domeniu. Acest fenomen s-ar numi azi blocaj mental indus.
Tristul episod cu eroi americani continuă

În 1958, la 73 de ani, Viktor Schauberger primeşte vizita a doi americani, din care unul de origine germană. Îl invită să îşi pună teoriile în aplicare pe teritoriul Statelor Unite, ţară mult mai deschisă noului decât hoaşca de Europa, şi i se propune un buget nelimitat. În pofida primelor reticenţe, Viktor Schauberger sfârşeşte prin a accepta oferta, sub rezerva unei participări limitate de trei luni având în vedere vârsta şi starea de sănătate. Odată ajuns îşi dă seama că afacerea are dedesubturi îngrijorătoare şi nu obţine dreptul de întoarcere în Austria decât abandonând americanilor toate prototipurile şi toate planurile şi angajându-se de a nu mai lucra niciodată în domeniul imploziei.
Este distrus moral, un om sfârşit. Moare la Linz pe 25 septembrie 1958, la cinci zile (!) după întoarcerea în ţară.

Sursa: Energobiologie
Pentru a afla mai multe informatii despre inventiile lui Viktor Schauberger, va sfatuiesc sa vizitati site-ul: Energie libera

De asemnea, voi prezenta cateva carti in limba engleza, despre “magicianul apei” - Viktor Schauberger si realizarile sale. In Romania a aparut cartea “Vrajitorul apei - vol. i - extraordinarele descoperiri ale lui Viktor Schauberger”, pe care o puteti comanda online din diverse locuri, cum ar fi:

Iata si lista cartilor in limba engleza:

1. Implosion: Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy

Implosion: Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy by Riley Hansard Crabb & Thomas Maxwell Thompson

This is the Borderland Sciences' 3-part rare and amazing compilation of articles, translations and other works done using Viktor Schauberger's philosophy of implosion. It features: Part 1: Implosion - Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy (1985), compiled by Riley Hansard Crabb & Thomas Maxwell Thompson (revised edition of Leopold Brandst?tter's book Implosion Instead of Explosion) Part 2: More Implosion than Explosion (1986), compiled by Tom Brown Part 3: The Austrian Patents of Viktor Schauberger, translated from german by Jorge Resines Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. In this fascinating collection the reader is taken on a tour of the philosophy of implosion which is how nature grows and makes things move around.

Living in a society where a vast majority of technology is designed on the basis of explosion, such philosophy of implosion might seem strange if not highly suspicious. And yet we constantly observe that the present state of technology is destroying nature and humankind with it. Schauberger foresaw this developement and suggested a giant swap which would replace all existing technology with a more natural version. Called the "water wizard", he proposed the natural solution to the energy problem through diamagnetism and etheric forces, suggested that centripetal forces can and do overcome gravity and discussed how to regenerate diseased water. He is also the inventor of implosion motor, suction turbine, home power plant and the famous Schauberger flying discs. The Implosion series present a different outlook to man's ever more troubling questions, such as where to get cheap energy, how to move things around without causing damage to nature and lastly how to survive at all. 135 pages, many pictures. A must read from everyone.

 2. Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger
Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger by Alick Bartholomew and David Bellamy

This is Alick Bartholomew's amazing book Hidden Nature - The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger (2003) which puts out Schauberger's ideas in a simple, easy to read and understandable way. Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. The author explains these, offering a vital key to understanding where our culture has gone wrong, and how we could put things right again. In Hidden Nature he uncovers Schauberger's vision of transforming our machinery to work in a vortex-like fashion like it happens in nature.

This fascinating book is a comprehensive breakdown of Viktor Schauberger's stunning ideas and observations. 260 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone. From the backcover: Viktor Schauberger was a pioneer of the study of the subtle energies in nature and the importance of living water in all natural processes. This book describes and explains his insights in contemporary, accessible language. His amazing discoveries ? which address issues such as sick water, ailing forests, climate change and, above all, renewable energy ? have dramatic implications for how we should work with nature and its resources.

Protesting against the harmful effects of modern technology, Schauberger demonstrated radically new methods of working in harmony with nature's own energies. He applied his theories to many revolutionary designs, culminating in prototypes for pollution-free energy machines. Schauberger (1885-1958) was far ahead of his time. From his unusually detailed observations of the natural world, he pioneered a ompletely new understanding of how nature works. He foresaw, and tried to warn against, the global waste and costly ecological destruction of our age. About the author: Alick Bartholomew read Geology and Geography at the University of Cambridge, followed by graduate studies at the University of Chicago. He has commissioned and published many books on Viktor Schauberger and has been working with Schauberger material for over twenty years.

3. The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature
The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature
160 pages | Publisher: Gateway (March 2001) | Language: English | ISBN-10:
1858600618 | PDF | 1.4 Mb

British architect Callum Coats edited and translated this book from Viktor Schauberger's works with the full title The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature (2000). Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. Among other topics discussed here, this particular book lays out the philosophy of implosion which is nature's own way to make things move without destroying them as our current technology does via explosion. Many applications of implosion technology are discussed which can be constructed and used in our homes to provide clean ways of harnessing nature's gigantic energy potential. 260 pages, many pictures. A must read for everyone.

From the backcover: This final volume in the Eco-technology series deals with generation of energy using Nature's enormous potential. Nature produces energy by slow, cool, implosive means - by a centripetal inward motion, while our present culture uses explosive centrifugal (outwards) movement, which is wasteful and many times less powerful and effective. It also uses up the Earth's resources and pollutes her ecosystems. This volume describes different kinds of energy machines which depend on the principle of implosion: ? a spring water-producing machine ? a tornado home energy generator ? a Klimator which produces mountain-quality air ? the biotechnical submarine ? a technique for producing power from ocean deeps ? a flying saucer prototype which rose at fantastic speed to high altitudes ? a perpetual motion suction-based implosion machine

4. Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger
Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger by Callum Coats

British architect Callum Coats edited and translated this book from Viktor Schauberger's works with the full title Living Energies - Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work With Natural Energy Explained (2001). Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. Among other topics discussed here, this is probably the best expose of Schauberger's pioneer work in new forestry and water methods. 310 pages, many pictures.
A must read for everyone. From the backcover: Why are so many species of plant and animal life disappearing? How is it that Earth is losing more fresh water than it is producing? What are the effects of chlorination and flouridation of water? The answers to these and many more pressing environmental questions are to be found in this remarkable book - the first in-depth examination of the life and work of the brilliant forester, scientist and pioneering inventor, Viktor Schauberger.

Schauberger's insights into Nature pivoted on the essential characteristics of water as a living and pulsating substance that energises all of life, both organic and inorganic. He frequently asserted, "Water is a living substance!" - an idea to which many philosophers have subscribed. Schauberger was passionate about forestry and warned how deforestation would deplete the world of water and soil fertility, causing deserts and climatic chaos. With his ground-breaking concepts on energy, biomagnetism and the true function of trees, he showed how a world that exploited its resources rather than cherishing them was doomed to destroy itself. Above all, he demonstrated how Nature's abundance is the result of a complex interaction of energies that actually create matter, not the other was around as orthodox science believes. For him energy was primary, and physical form the secondary effect.

5. Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy
Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy
162 pages | Publisher: Newleaf; 2nd edition (December 2002) | English | ISBN-10:
0717133907 | PDF | 2.5 Mb

This is Olof Alexandersson's fascinating book Living Water - Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (1990) which tells the story of a pioneering Austrian naturalist and iconoclast who pointed the way to a completely new understanding of the vast potential of natural energy.
Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. By studying fish in streams and by closely observing the natural water cycle, he was able to solve basic problems of energy transformation.

He also saw that modern man, without realizing it, was destroying the earth and sabotaging his own culture by working against Nature. All the prevailing methods of energy generation ? from hydro-electric to nuclear fission ? produce harmful long-term effects on the environment and encourage disease. Schauberger had a clear vision of how fertility could be restored to the earth.
As an inventor he developed a number of ingenious machines which would revolutionize farming, horticulture, forestry and aircraft propulsion. He developed water purification systems, and showed how air and water could be harnessed as fuels for many machines. His discovery of implosive energy and diamagnetism had many practical applications, most of which have yet to be developed. Living Water presents the theories of Viktor Schauberger which can have staggering implications for the future of our technological civilization. 155 pages, many pictures. A must read from everyone.

 6. The Fertile Earth: Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry
The Fertile Earth: Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry (The Eco-Technology Series, Volume 3) by Viktor Schauberger (Translated & edited by Callum Coats)

How does Nature work? When one looks closely at the enormously complex web of life, it is impossible not to be caught by the wonder of how all living things - yes including rocks and crystals - are interconnected. Just as there is thought behind action, so there is energy behind matter. Schauberger is able to demonstrate how Nature works because he has been able to observe and describe how its energies manifest and produce the material world.

This, the third volume in the eco-technology series, contains Schauberger's writings on trees, biodynamic agriculture and subtle energies in nautre. It answers questions like why are so many species of plant and animal disappearing?
'Industrial civilisation lurches towards ecological meltdown, Schauberger's prescient ideas and discoveries will be closely examined by all who seek to find a way for humanity to live in harmony, rather than conflict, with Nature.' - Ralph Metzner

7. Viktor Schauberger - How I Discovered New Principles in the Working of Nature
Viktor Schauberger - How I Discovered New Principles in the Working of Nature
192 pages | Publisher: Gateway (November 1998) | Language: English | ISBN-10:
1858600561 | PDF | 1.4 Mb

British architect Callum Coats edited and translated this book from Viktor Schauberger's works with the full title Nature as teacher - New principles in the working of nature (1998). Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, predicted the ecological catastrophes which are occuring all around us and proposed the solution - return to the principles of mother nature. 185 pages, some pictures.

From the backcover: Today we are standing helpless and perplexed. Wih no glimmer of improvement anywhere in sight, we feel hopelessly propelled towards a folrorn future. It is understandable therefore than an increasing number of people, sick and tired of this insane activity, are now seeking ways to return to mother nature.

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) Viktor Schauberger was one of the first geniune environmentalists. In the 1930s he was predicting ecological catastrophe when noone else could see it coming. Schauberger is now being proved right. He foresaw: -Global warming and its devastating consequences -Increasing violence and lawlessness as the direct result of destructive methods which block nature's energies and balance -The destruction of the world's forests and ecosystems This, and the fact that he developed free energy machines through harnessing the magical processes of nature, has made Viktor Schauberger truly a man of our times.
This volume gives tremendous insight into what is happening on the Earth today and presents practical solutions on how we may yet save our precious world. Most telling is Schauberger's elucidation of the vital natural cycles that modern unthinking technologies have interrupted and harmed, sometimes irreparably.

8. The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water
The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water
218 pages |Publisher: Gateway (February 1998) | English | ISBN-10:
1858600480 | PDF | 2.6 Mb

British architect Callum Coats edited and translated this book from Viktor Schauberger's works with the full title The water wizard - The extraordinary properties of natural water (1997). Schauberger, a famous austrian natural philosopher, pioneered his own philosophy of water which is based on natural observation of its vortex-like movement. 220 pages, some pictures. From the backcover: Viktor Schauberger was a pioneering genius who combined keen observation of nature with intuitive brilliance and a sharp engineer's brain.

He made a lifelong study of water - from mountain streams to river flows and from domestic supplies to advanced hydraulics - developed profound and radical theories about its inherent energies, which earned him the name of the Water wizard. According to Schauberger, water is akin to blood in the human body - the most important life-giving and energy-empowering substance on the planet. Yet, with incorrect, ignorant handling, it becomes diseased, affecting human, animal and vegetable life alike, causing physical decay and, in the case of people, their moral, mental and spiritual deterioration as well.

Schauberger was a fearless exponent of natural energy and a fascinating polemicist, revelling in doing battle with contemporary orthodox scientists. Sadly, the same extractive and water management policies which brought devastation and widespread pollution in his day have even greater consequences today.