One of the technologies was rituals dedicated to Baphomet and Baphomet’s Bride. Baphomet (15 lasso in the traditional Tarot deck) denotes the devil in the form of a goat.
It is interpreted as the accumulation of material goods, the establishment of effective relations. In Tarot Toth Alistair Crowley Baphomet means the acquisition of personal power through the awareness and acceptance of their shadow sides.
The Templars translated the word Baphomet as Bab Ilu -“the gate to the ray of light”, the invisible spiritual sun. In sound, it resembles the goddess of the 11th lasso Babalon – A. Crowley. Babalon (“lust” - also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) symbolizes the development of the spiritual beginning through the mastery of sexual energy.
Babalon is based on Crowley’s positive reinterpretation of the biblical Whore of Babylon and symbolizes liberated female sexuality and the spiritual modality of passionate union with existence.
The figure of Baphomet was a magical machine used to tune into an ancient egregore. With the help of it, it influenced the consciousness of people and the environment. Two-faced figure, where the male and female part united, thanks to the Goddess of love. Both forces became conscious and creative.
The Templars believed that when a figure being activated, its vibrations will open up the opportunity for divine forces to penetrate into our world. At this moment the golden age will come. The activation took place through the ritual fusion of the Priestess with one of the male ministers.
Goddess looked like a woman with flying very long hair, representing the spiritual wings. The priestesses of the Goddess were three women with dark, light and brown hair.
These women possessed knowledge of the Macaar technique, according to which astral hair is found in the female hair. They attract oscillations of the power of the Black Sun. Of course, for this, a conscious and wilful control of this energy by the woman herself is necessary.
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